How to End a Blog Post: 7 Ways To End Your New Blog Post
Blogging can be a powerful tool for anyone in the information age, being used to spread ideas, garner support, make a living, and much more. There is a fine art to crafting an impactful blog post, and one of the most important parts of the whole thing is how you end it. How you choose to end a blog post is a big part of how it impacts the reader!
Naturally, there’s more than one way how to end a blog post as well, and each option available to you can produce a totally different impact on the reader. Here are some fantastic options for giving your blog post the punch it needs when it’s time to wrap things up.
And remember, it’s not like your blog post can only use one of these strategies at the end: some of them can be combined to achieve multiple goals when you are ready to end your post properly!
1. Promoting a Service or Product
Many people use blogging as a way to make money, either on the side or even as a full-time gig. Making money through blogging usually involves promoting a service or product, be it your own or one that you are doing affiliate marketing for. One way or another, promoting a relevant service or product at the end of your blog post can be a good move.
This is true even if you have advertisements elsewhere on your blog, such as in the sidebar. After all, many readers don’t pay much attention to the sidebar, and some may be using an RSS reader or something similar, preventing them from ever seeing it in the first place. For this reason, it never hurts to add a bit of advertisement to the end of your post.
Of course, you have to be careful about how you do this, as some people are turned off by blatant advertisements, especially if you make it sound like your only interest is selling them a service or product. This type of blog post ending is most fitting if the post itself is relevant to the service or product.
For example, if you teach an online course about writing better blog content, and you have written a blog post on that topic, it would be fitting to use the final line or two to mention your service, or at least remind the reader that said service exists. Just don’t try to be too pushy about it, as most people aren’t enticed by that kind of marketing.
2. Drop Hints About Your Next Move
A successful blog lives on the interest of people willing to subscribe to it. In order to acquire and maintain such interest, it’s important to let readers know what they can expect from you in the future, even if you only tell them the immediate next thing you plan on doing. The information doesn’t have to be particularly specific either.
Think of this kind of blog ending as a teaser trailer, meant to spark interest in something (like a movie) that hasn’t come out yet. The more people you spark anticipation in, the more people will come back to check out your blog when that anticipated content is released. Sometimes, it’s as simple as hinting at “something big” coming next week.
In other cases, you can end your blog with more specific information, if it fits your needs. Let’s say that you have written a general information blog post on a certain subject, and you plan on writing a deeper, more thorough blog post about the same subject later. You can end your general information blog post by telling people a deeper one is on the way next.
That way, anyone who was interested in the subject matter you discussed will be likely to return later, since they know you will be talking about it again and in even greater detail. Whether you choose to tell your subscribers exactly what is coming or just want to give them subtle hints, it’s always a good move to share something about your next step.
3. Spark Discussion With a Question

Another important aspect of a successful blog is community involvement. Having a lot of readers is one thing, but you also want the readers to directly interact with both you and each other, which gives them more investment in your blog. One way to facilitate that kind of community involvement is to pose a question to your readers at the end of your post.
If you are writing a post that offers tips and tricks, you could ask whether or not any of the readers know some of their own that you didn’t mention. If your blog post was an opinion piece, you could ask readers to share their own opinions on whatever subject you were discussing. As long as you ask a fitting question relevant to your post, it doesn’t matter much.
Asking a question that will generate some comments from the readers not only gives you an opportunity to interact with them, but it also gives them a chance to engage with each other as well. This can facilitate a sense of community and unity, as most people like to discuss topics that interest them with other like-minded individuals.
Just be careful to limit ending questions to one or two at most. Most people are likely to provide an answer to a question or two, but if you end your post by bombarding your readers with an entire quiz, they are more likely to ignore it since that comes across as too much of a hassle to bother with. Just one or two questions is more than enough.
4. Link Out to Relevant Sources

When a reader finishes a blog post, they are often interested in continuing their investigation of the topic immediately afterward. If you’ve written a blog post on indoor gardening, a reader will probably still want to read more about the topic once they’ve finished with your post. You can take advantage of that continuous interest at the end of your post.
Naturally, if you have other blog posts or content that is relevant to the blog post in question, you could link out to them and attempt to increase traffic across the board for your content. But you can still benefit from linking out to resources that aren’t your own, such as newspaper articles, books, or other reputable sources.
The benefit of linking out to such things is that it lends more credence to whatever you are talking about in your blog post. By providing links to sources that validate any claims or statements you make, you provide evidence that supports your content and makes you seem more reputable and knowledgeable about your subject.
So all in all, it certainly never hurts to end a blog post by linking out to other relevant sources, whether those sources are third-party validations or just related content of your own that could help increase traffic. It’s always best to act on the continued interest of a reader in regard to whatever subject you were discussing.
5. Ask The Reader to Share Your Post

A successful blog is one that reaches a lot of people, and it can be difficult to make that happen on your own. Naturally, it would be a great help if your readers shared your post with others, maximizing how many people get to read your content. However, even if some readers wouldn’t mind doing this, it doesn’t always occur to them to do so.
Even if you have a dedicated sharing button somewhere on your blog, it might go unnoticed or forgotten by a reader, so a gentle reminder at the end of your post that isn’t terribly obtrusive could get those so inclined to share your blog post with others who may be interested in it. Whether you want shares on Facebook, retweets, or emails, it’s all the same request.
Just try your best not to come off as desperate or pushy about it, as that kind of attitude rarely prompts people to follow through with a request. If you are going to end a blog post with a request for your readers to share your content, you should always ensure that it is a polite request and express your gratitude to any who would oblige you.
Usually, a single sentence at the end of your blog post is enough if you plan to do this. If you’d rather use dedicated sharing buttons embedded into your blog, you should at least make sure that they are situated somewhere near the end of the post, so they are more likely to be seen at the point in time in which your reader has just finished.
6. Inspire the Readers to Action
Depending on the type of blog you are writing, attempting to inspire your readers to action can be a very strong ending move for any post. This is especially true if your blog is mostly about advising people in some field of knowledge or practice. After all, many people reading such blogs are actually looking to put any advice they read into practice.
That said, they may not know how exactly to do that without some guidance. So, you could end your blog post with a call to action that helps steer them towards putting your advice into action. Say you were writing a blog post about how anyone could write a novel and it just takes perseverance. Your call to action could be for the reader to write 1000 words a day.
Simple and straightforward though this call to action may be, it inspires the reader to act on the advice offered in your blog post, and if the reader finds success following that advice (which they should, otherwise it wouldn’t be very good advice!), they are more likely to return to your blog for more content in the future.
Of course, whether or not this is a fitting end for a blog post really depends on what your blog post is about, but if the topic at hand is a suitable one, this type of ending is a very strong move that you can’t really go wrong with. Besides, you’d be surprised at what you can inspire people to do across nearly any subject.
7. Summarize Your Primary Message
Summaries have always been a crucial ending strategy for nearly any type of writing. However, they are especially important if you are writing long blog posts with a lot of information for the reader to take in. By the time it is all over, they may be struggling to recall everything that you wrote, or even worse, the main point you were trying to make.
That’s why you can never go wrong with a little summary: truth is, most people don’t remember every detail of what they read, but they do remember general concepts and ideas with far more ease. You can make it even easier by ending the entire post with a summary that reminds them of everything that was important within it.
Just make sure you aren’t repeating yourself exactly. A summary should rephrase the content and message of your blog post in a different way than you initially presented it, to avoid coming across as needless repetition, or even worse, something you wrote just because you didn’t know how to end the blog post properly.
Summaries are one of the blog post endings that can easily be combined with some of the other options mentioned in this article. After all, there’s nothing stopping you from requesting someone to share your post in one sentence following your summary or to link out to valuable resources within your summary.
Ultimately, none of these ending options are objectively superior to the others. The best way to end a blog post depends on what your goals are and what you want your post to achieve by the time people are done reading it.